Thesis Abstracts

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1 The effects of integrating peer feedback into University-level ESL writing curriculum: A comparative study in a Saudi context - Grami M. Grami PDF
2 Why that language, in that context, right now? The use of L1 in L2 classroom interaction in an Egytian setting - Hanan Waer PDF
3 A micro-analytic investigation of claims of insufficient knowledge in EAL classrooms - Olcay Sert PDF
1 The English as a foreign language writing classroom and weblog: The effect of computer-mediated communication on attitudes of students and implications for EFL learning - Wei-Chih Chang (Alec) PDF
2 How do I understand and communicate my values and beliefs in my work as an educator in the field of giftedness? - Barry John Hymer PDF
3 Talking heads: An exploration of Northumberland middle school headteachers’ perceptions of the accomplishment of educating middle school pupils - Caroline Pryer PDF
4 The sequential organisation of teacher-initiated and teacher-induced code-switching in a Turkish university EFL setting - Eda Ustunel PDF
5 Factors affecting the placement of pupils with severe learning difficulties in a mainstream or special school - Helen M Jones PDF
6 Learning opportunities in story-based EFL primary classrooms: An evaluative multiple case study design - Chen-Ying Li (Jennie) PDF
7 What is your value? A qualitative study into the development of capital in amateur and professional boxing - John Fulton PDF
8 Phonological processing skills in young learners’ EFL vocabulary acquisition - Yu-Cheng Sieh (Daphne) PDF
9 An analysis of student teachers' perceptions of 3D descriptive geometry education in Mozambique - Daniel Dinis Da Costa PDF